Wednesday, November 22, 2017

System Built on Quicksand

    Everyday I watch the news or open my phone and there is another video of an unarmed person of color be shot beaten, and/or killed by police officers in this country. Young black males are 21times more likely to be killed by police then their white counterparts.Time and time again there is no punishment for the accused. Just another dead child left to bury and mourn.
  Image result for 17/ Image result for black men being shot by police
Officers are held in high regard, but have no regard for human life. So, I have come to believe that the system is not broken it is working just the way it was intended. Walter Scott was murdered by police while running away. The officer shot him multiple times in the back, and planted a gun on his dead body. The only reason that this case was investigated was someone just so happened to catch this on a camera phone.
     In August of this year Anthony Antonio Ford was shot and killed by police there was no gun or weapon found belonging to Ford even though that was the excuse used by authorities. According to recent data by the Washington Post 874 people have been shot and killed by police in 2017 alone, and mental health played a part in at least a quarter of those fatalities. Now the question is what are we lacking in our justice system? Could it be a lack of empathy and concern, or could it be that the system is not lacking a thing? Maybe the problem is that we think that there is an issue when in reality there is none.What if the D.O.J is not broken? What if the same issues we are protesting about are fully functioning machines that are working at the highest level possible, and we just do not know it? Brian Easley(Lance Corporal) in the United States military was killed by police in July. Even though he was clearly suffering from mental health issues, and he did not pose a threat. Easley carried no weapons, and ever witness at the scene vouched on his behalf, but he is not living to tell the story.

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